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Invisalign Vs Mail Order Braces


See Why Invisalign in NYC Is Better Than at-Home Straightening Kits

An improved smile or bite is a goal for many people, and Invisalign has provided a solution that caters to your lifestyle and your budget. Rather than wearing noticeable metal braces, adults can use discreet plastic aligners to guide your teeth into a healthy, straight, and beautiful smile.

You may be wondering what the difference is between a doctor-directed Invisalign treatment vs. the at-home mail kits you see advertised on TV. Unlike at-home kits, a doctor will be able to ensure the health and safety of the treatment by conducting an exam before your treatment starts and monitoring your treatment throughout the process. Your doctor will do this by examining your gums, teeth, and mouth; taking x-rays and photos; and performing a digital scan of your mouth before your treatment begins.

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Personal Professional Attention

After Dr. Kakosian conducts a comprehensive exam, he will create a customized, comprehensive, and convenient plan to correct any issues with your smile or bite. Further, he has experience taking digital impressions of your mouth for a comfortable patient experience as compared to using messy impression trays. Dr. Kakosian uses the most up to date digital scanning and software technology to provide you with the most comfortable patient experience and the most accurate treatment plan tailored to your own unique situation.


Invisalign Vs Mail Order Braces

Treatment for Complex Issues

People considering Invisalign treatment have a variety of issues ranging from mild to severe. Patients may be experiencing open bite, underbite, crowding, overbite, gapped teeth, or crossbite. Using an at-home kit for more serious issues may be dangerous in more severe case types, potentially making alignment worse and leading to the need for more extensive treatments, like the potential of having to have a doctor retreat the case. Using a dentist for alignment treatments also offers the opportunity for follow-up, so he can check in periodically to ensure your teeth are moving according to plan.


Professional Placement

While Invisalign may seem like simply creating trays for teeth, the process is more in depth. Your doctor will design your smile with an advanced treatment planning software program using your unique records. Once your aligners are created, you may have small tooth-colored attachments on your teeth, which may be necessary to achieve your desired results. These attachments correct alignment and provide support for simple and complex movements. They allow for more precise results and a better overall experience. At-home kits cannot provide this step, and cannot achieve the same results with the complexity of movements as compared to a comprehensive Invisalign treatment.

Cost and Insurance Coverage

At-home kits may appear to be more affordable at first glance, but this may not necessarily be true. Many DPO and DMO plans cover Invisalign, providing a substantial price break on quoted rates. This can bring the cost to a level on par with at-home kits and guarantees all of the advantages that come with working with a true dental professional. Our office also offers a financing option where, if approved, patients can start treatment for no money down and a low monthly rate.


Considering Invisalign

If you are considering Invisalign, DentAlign NYC has the power to help you get the straight, sparkling smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see what we can do for you or call us at 347-491-6708, and we’ll be happy to address your questions and concerns.

Get the smile of your dreams with the most affordable Invisalign in NYC!


DentAlign NYC
405 Lexington Avenue, Floor 54 of the Chrysler Building
Midtown East Manhattan

New York, NY 10174
Phone: 716-350-0665
Fax: 212-661-9779

Office Hours

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